Sunday, December 26, 2010

Coming full circle

coming full circle
At this point of the year, a lot of people reflect on what they did for the past twelve months. No matter how SSDY (same sh*t different year) this may be for most of us, we do find it genuinely compelling to look back at what we have gone through this year.

Sure, it's easy to remember the goals reached, the dreams achieved, and the dramas we overcame. As egoistic as I may be, I wallow at my successes and triumphs for 2010 and try to play them over and over in my mind... Whether you like it or not, we do find comfort in looking at ourselves as winners. How do I know this? Because it sucks to be reminded of otherwise. It sucks to remember and look back at what we have failed to do.

2010 is a banner year for many people. Manny Pacquiao won his 8th title (in the same number of weight classes). PNoy became the 15th president of the Philippines. The LA Lakers won their 2nd straight NBA title (I was in a meeting when they won against my Boston Celtics and boy I was pissed all day and didn't even watch game 7 ever). Katy Perry won the sexiest woman of Maxims (for the record, Emmanuelle Chriqui won the top99 of and I am not complaining either). Venus Raj won 4th runner up in this year's major-major Ms. Universe pageant.

But for us mere mortals (and those who can't make it to the top100 hottest list of some things), we look back at this banner year with mixed emotions. Because some people lost a loved one, while some people gained some friends for keeps. Some got accepted in a world class business school, while some people turned their backs on such opportunities. Some people quit their jobs, while some people got an offer for their dream jobs. Some people got thin, but some people gained so much weight. Some people lost their touch, while some people became really inspired. While some people got everything they need, some people seem to want more than that... Some people won some things, and some people lost some things. Some people got in touch with reality, and sadly, some got stuck in the moment.

These things sound awfully familiar because yes, all these things happened to me this year. It was a banner year for me as it probably was for you. Exactly 360 days are gone just like that and I now realize there is something poetic about this number. Because at this point we come full circle (for those who don't get it: 360 degrees, haha just messing), and we're looking to start it all over again.

It doesn't matter if we have mixed feelings about our successes and failures, because as cliche as it may sound, life goes on.  We look back and reflect about the things we did, the things we should have done, the things we failed to do. The things we were successful in and proud about. But we shouldn't be stuck in the moment. Yes, it is helpful to cherish all the fun embarrassing moments and reflect all we want on the things we failed to do... but it doesn't stop there. We know it's not enough to live at the thought of our successes, or to wallow inside the lonely road of regrets. We go on and start at the dot.

What Christmas and the yearend offers is the time to reflect on what we have done all year. Be thankful for what we have, and probably whine about those we don't have. We write down resolutions, because we all want a clean slate. A better year. A better life. And any person not wanting a better life is either crazy or just in plain denial. Because it doesn't come easy. In fact, it is hard. It requires hard work. And most people are afraid of that. (sad part is we all know this)

We come full circle, 360 degrees. It's not a perfect year for me or for any of us. Far from it. But as sad as it may sound, we begin at point A again after this. One may argue that it's a vicious or virtuous cycle--well it doesn't matter anyway. What matters is we struggle to live each year--at the end of which we try to recount our blessings and curses. What matters is we do something about it.

Another 360 degrees on the way and we have a clean slate to do it as we please. I don't know with you, but my circle's going to be more awesome next year. I dare you to beat mine.

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